# Secure Kubo RPC with TLS and HTTP Auth

This guide will help you set up several things:

  • Transport Encryption: Caddy as a reverse proxy with automatic TLS certificate management for your Kubo node using a domain you control.
  • Authentication: Basic HTTP authentication for the Kubo RPC API.
  • CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing): Allow web requests from additional domains to the Kubo RPC API.

This is highly recommended if you run your own Kubo node and want to use the Kubo RPC API over public networks, for example, to pin CIDs from CI, or other services. Since the Kubo RPC API is exposed over plain HTTP, TLS is used to ensure the connection to the API is encrypted.

# Prerequisites

Before starting, ensure you have:

  • A domain name (referred to as YOUR_DOMAIN) with its A record pointing to your server's IP address
  • Kubo running on a server/VM with a public IP address
  • Port 443 open on your server's firewall
  • Caddy web server (opens new window) installed on the server

The guide assumes the Caddy and Kubo are managed by systemd. If you are using a different process manager or Docker, you will need to adjust the configuration accordingly.

# Configure Kubo

First, you'll need to configure Kubo to work with the reverse proxy. Edit your Kubo config file (usually located at ~/.ipfs/config) and update the API section:

"API": {
  "HTTPHeaders": {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": ["https://YOUR_DOMAIN"],
    "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": ["true"]
  "Authorizations": {
    "api": {
      "AuthSecret": "basic:hello:world123"
      "AllowedPaths": [

This configuration:

  • Sets CORS headers to allow requests from YOUR_DOMAIN. Kubo will match the host header in the request with the Access-Control-Allow-Origin from the configuration, so you need to ensure the origin is correct.
  • Restricts API access to the Kubo RPC API, allowing access to the /api/v0 endpoints with basic HTTP authentication.

Note: You should set the AuthSecret to a stronger username and password combination.

# Restart Kubo

After updating the Kubo config file, restart Kubo:

sudo systemctl restart kubo

Note: the name of the service may be different depending on how you installed Kubo.

# Configure Caddy

Create or edit your Caddyfile (typically at /etc/caddy/Caddyfile) with the following configuration, making sure to replace YOUR_DOMAIN with your actual domain name:

  reverse_proxy localhost:5001

  log {
      output stdout
      format json
      level INFO

This configuration:

  • Sets up a reverse proxy to Kubo's API on port 5001
  • Logs requests to the Kubo API in JSON format to stdout

# Restart Caddy

Restart the Caddy service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart caddy

# Test the Connection

To verify everything is working correctly, test the connection using the IPFS CLI, making sure to replace YOUR_DOMAIN with your actual domain name:

ipfs id --api /dns/YOUR_DOMAIN/tcp/443/https --api-auth basic:hello:world123

If successful, you should see your node's identify displayed. The command connects to your Kubo node through the secure HTTPS endpoint using basic authentication.

# Configuring CORS for use with IPFS Web UI

In this step, we will configure CORS (opens new window) to allow the webui.ipfs.io (opens new window) to access the Kubo RPC API.

For this, you will need to update both the Kubo config file to allow requests from webui.ipfs.io and the Caddyfile to correctly handle preflight OPTIONS requests from webui.ipfs.io.

# Kubo Config

Add webui.ipfs.io to the API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin section in the Kubo config file (in addition to YOUR_DOMAIN):

"API": {
  "HTTPHeaders": {
-    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": ["https://YOUR_DOMAIN"],
+    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": ["https://YOUR_DOMAIN", "https://webui.ipfs.io"],
    "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": ["true"]

After updating the Kubo config file, restart the Kubo service:

sudo systemctl restart kubo

# Caddyfile

Update the Caddyfile to handle preflight OPTIONS requests from webui.ipfs.io:

+  # Handle CORS preflight requests
+  @options {
+    method OPTIONS
+  }
+  handle @options {
+    header {
+      Access-Control-Allow-Origin "https://webui.ipfs.io"
+      Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"
+      Access-Control-Allow-Headers "*"
+      Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true"
+    }
+    respond 204
+  }

  # Handle all other requests
  handle {
    reverse_proxy localhost:5001

  log {
    output stdout
    format json
    level INFO

After updating the Caddyfile, restart Caddy:

sudo systemctl restart caddy

# Using the IPFS Web UI with the Kubo RPC API endpoint you configured

To use the IPFS Web UI (opens new window) with the Kubo RPC API, you can pass the

Start by opening webui.ipfs.io/#/welcome (opens new window):

WebUI Config

Enter the Kubo RPC API endpoint as follows, including the basic auth credentials:


Note: Make sure to replace hello:world123 with the credentials you configured in the Kubo config file, and YOUR_DOMAIN with your actual domain name.

WebUI Config

Click on the "Submit" button, and you should see the IPFS Web UI connected to your Kubo node.

WebUI Connected

🎉 Congratulations! You can now use the IPFS Web UI to interact with your Kubo node.

# Security Considerations

  • Change the AuthSecret to a strong username and password combination
  • Consider restricting the AllowedPaths further based on your needs
  • Keep your Caddy and Kubo installations updated
  • Regularly monitor the logs for any suspicious activity

# Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues:

  1. Check Caddy logs
  2. Verify your domain's DNS settings, ensuring the A record is correct. Sometimes changes can take a few minutes to propagate (depending on the TTL of the DNS record).
  3. Ensure port 443 is open and not blocked by your firewall
  4. Check that Kubo is running and accessible on localhost:5001